Marintec China 2023 will be opening on 5th December in Shanghai Pudong New International Expo Center。Xiumei Model will be exhibit new products and technologies at BOOTH NO. N3E2A-01 .
looking forward to your presence.
企業(yè)簡(jiǎn)介|Company Profile
Established in 2007, with exhibition and display, intelligent model manufacturing, and 3D printing design and services as its core business, it is a high-tech enterprise that integrates research and development, design, and manufacturing
展覽展示 |display and demonstration
秀美服務(wù)各類(lèi)企業(yè)、院校、博物館、政府機構等專(zhuān)業(yè)領(lǐng)域,從創(chuàng )意咨詢(xún)、策劃設計、施工安裝、到后期維護一站式服務(wù)承接主題館、企業(yè)館、科技館、天文館、多媒體工程、智能沙盤(pán) 臨展等多類(lèi)項目
Serve all kinds of enterprises, colleges, museums, government agencies and other professional fields. One-stop service for consultation, planning and design, construction and installation, and post-maintenance. Undertake various projects such as theme pavilion, enterprise pavilion, science and technology museum, planetarium and temporary exhibition.
After more than ten years of accumulation, Xiumei has experience in various exhibitions and displays, and the above are only partial displays
模型智造|pattern making
Focus on ship, ocean, aerospace, sand table model, teaching model and other fields.
Combine 3D printing technology to promote industrial. manufacturing and model making to a new level in the industry,More than ten years of design and manufacturing experience, rich accumulation, with the heart of craftsmen to create high-quality works.
船舶模型|ship model:十余年以海興師,制作過(guò)國內外千型百萬(wàn)艘船模,與600+名企、名校及專(zhuān)業(yè)機構合作,在船模制作領(lǐng)域擁有核心技術(shù),助力海洋文化傳播深入人心
航空航天模型|Aerospace model:深耕航空航天領(lǐng)域,與中國航發(fā)、中國商飛等名企合作,參與多個(gè)知名天文展館建設,展示宇宙和星體的廣袤之美,精致工藝讓模型逼真呈現
車(chē)輛模型|vehicle model:制作過(guò)各類(lèi)汽車(chē)和概念車(chē)模型,通過(guò)不同工藝制作和技術(shù)呈現,將各式車(chē)輛的特色神韻完美還原
工業(yè)機械模型|Industrial machinery:制作用于科研和展示的發(fā)動(dòng)機模型,深厚的智造功力和實(shí)踐經(jīng)驗,呈現復雜的造型結構和功能部件,將原型質(zhì)感100%準確還原
教學(xué)教具|Teaching aids:服務(wù)高等院校和專(zhuān)業(yè)機構,設計和制作專(zhuān)業(yè)的教學(xué)模型,實(shí)現教學(xué)需求和直觀(guān)展示的訴求,精益求精以達到完美效果
沙盤(pán)|Sand Table:設計和制作不同域的大型沙盤(pán),用不同工藝手法呈現展項細節,加入虛擬現實(shí)技術(shù)、數字控制系統等。通過(guò)多媒體應用實(shí)現展示和體驗的創(chuàng )新
3D打印設計|enterprise 3D printing
以三維數字化模型技術(shù)為基礎,涵蓋建筑、醫療、大交通、航空航天等眾多領(lǐng)域,提供創(chuàng )意設計、詳細設計、生產(chǎn)設計以及藝術(shù)創(chuàng )作、文化創(chuàng )意、產(chǎn)品代加工等服務(wù),建有線(xiàn)下3D打印中心,提供設計、生產(chǎn)、制造的全套3D打印解決方案,在線(xiàn)服務(wù)平臺“aau”:www.aau3d.com,一站式服務(wù),讓3D打印更簡(jiǎn)單
Based on 3D digital model technology, it covers many fields such as architecture, medical treatment, transportation, aerospace and so on.Provide creative design, detailed design, production design, artistic creation, cultural creativity, product processing and other services.
Build an offline 3D printing center to provide a full set of 3D printing solutions for design, production and manufacturing.
Online service platform "AAU": www.aau3d.com, a one-stop service, makes 3D printing easier.
文創(chuàng )產(chǎn)品定制 |Customization of cultural and creative products
Provide customized cultural gifts, office supplies, corporate image items, crystals, paper molds, three-dimensional notes, badges, aromatherapy, building blocks, and other personalized customization services for enterprises
聯(lián)系我們/Contact Us
Learn more about us
- 秀美動(dòng)態(tài)中國造船工程學(xué)會(huì )?船史研究學(xué)術(shù)委員會(huì )2023年會(huì )
- 2023中國國際海事展,秀美與您共赴邀約!
- “我以我行薦魔都”——“愛(ài)達·魔都”號新作誕生記
- 船舶文化雜談,潛心領(lǐng)略船舶之美!
- 3D打印技術(shù)能解決“一墩難求”嗎?
- 走進(jìn)冬奧會(huì )——3D打印帶你了解我國首條雪車(chē)雪橇賽道
- 3D打印航模比賽走進(jìn)中小學(xué)校園!
- 不同類(lèi)型的電子沙盤(pán)模型都有什么特點(diǎn)呢?
- 房地產(chǎn)模型沙盤(pán)的特點(diǎn)有什么呢?
- 房地產(chǎn)沙盤(pán)模型燈光照明效果要注意什么呢?